Entries by Unique Admin

Panel Speaker, Out of Focus: Journalism and Modern Warfare

Moderated by: Francine Uenuma, Director, Media and Communications, Save the Children, Speakers included Chris Harland, Legal Advisor, Regional Delegation for the United States & Canada, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Frank Smyth, Executive Director, Global Journalist Security & Senior Advisor for Journalist Security, Committee to Protect Journalists, Alex Potter, Photojournalist & RN, American Red Cross, Washington, DC, September 22, 2015.

Moderator, Safety of Journalists panel

GJS’ Frank Smyth with Tarlach McGonagle of the University of Amsterdam law school, Mikhael Zyghar, editor-in-chief of the independent Russian TV channel Dozhd, and Oksana Romaniuk, executive director of the Kiev-based Institute of Mass Information, Journalists’ Safety, Media Freedom and Pluralism in Times of Conflict conference, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna, Austria, June 15, 2015.

Panel Speaker, Finding Security in Unsafe Passages: United Nations Event about Protecting Journalists’ Safety and Rights

Panel Speaker, Finding Security in Unsafe Passages: United Nations Event about Protecting Journalists’ Safety and Rights, Jon Williams, the ABC news managing editor moderated; H.E. Ms Benedicte Frankinet, Belgian Ambassador, gave the keynote speech; French Ambassador H.E. Francois Delattre spoke briefly on France’s role in freedom of the press; PEN America staff Karin Deutsch Karlekar spoke about PEN’s work; Patrice Keats Ph.D. spoke about how journalists deal with trauma and gave practical advice on how to cope; Frank Smyth from Global Journalist security showed a short video about how to protect oneself during live fire; Herb Boyd spoke briefly about protecting sources; Susan E. Davis from the National Writers Union spoke briefly about copyright infringement; Charles Seife from NYU spoke about metadata cybersecurity, National Writers Union, United Nations, New York, May 7, 2015

Panel Speaker, Journalist Safety panel before U.N. Member States at the U.N. Human Rights Council

Panel Speaker, Journalist Safety panel before U.N. Member States at the U.N. Human Rights Council with U.N. Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay, U.N. Free Expression Special Rapporteur Frank LaRue, UNESCO Deputy Director Getachew Engida, OSCE Free Media Representative Dunja Mijatovic, GJS’ Frank Smyth, Egyptian journalist Abeer Saady, and moderator former Al Jaeera English co-anchor Ghida Fakhry, United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2014.

Panel Speaker, “Journalism Security Workshop”

Panel Speaker, “Journalism Security Workshop,” panelists include Quinn Norton, a journalist, published in Wired, The Atlantic, Maximum PC, and more; Frank Smyth, executive director of Global Journalist Security, a private consulting and training firm, and senior advisor for journalist security at at the nonprofit Committee to Protect Journalists; Nabiha Syed is a media lawyer at Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz and a Yale Information Society Project Fellow; Seamus Tuohy, associate technologist for the Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation; Chris Walker, who presently working to strengthen digital security training methodologies for activists and to develop an open-source auditing framework that will help small, local human rights organizations identify, understand, prioritize and address their most urgent vulnerabilities; and Carol Waters, Project Manager at Internews, an international NGO that fosters independent media and access to information worldwide, Tow Center, Columbia Journalism School, November 22 – 24, 2013.