Thanks for choosing our free Risk Assessment Tool. We take the safety of your data seriously. That’s why we use a form processing service provided by FormStack, which uses SSL security and encryption to keep your data on secure servers. However, because a copy of this information will be sent to you via email, we encourage you not to include sensitive, proprietary information in the form.
After you complete the form, you may wish to download or print (choose the safer option for you) our free Travel Plan Workbook so you can complete a comprehensive ground safety plan after you’ve finished with the questionnaire. The workbook is a planning document that allows you to note and share more sensitive information with colleagues and emergency contacts.
What Is A Risk Assessment? Do I Need One?
When it’s time for a trip or an assignment, it’s easy to let security fall by the wayside. Chasing stories, meeting colleagues, or reaching vulnerable populations are usually more fulfilling than worrying about your safety and security, after all.
But if something goes wrong, you’ll be glad you took the extra time to plan for contingencies.
Though it has a fancy name, a “risk assessment” or “security assessment” is simply a plan you draft up before leaving on an assignment or a trip that lays out:
- the possible risks you could face, both current risks and risks that could develop while you’re on the ground;
- the contacts, both at home and on assignment, that you would reach out to in the event of an emergency;
- the actions you would take if something did go wrong.
Once you’ve completed a risk assessment, you should share your plan with your trusted colleagues, such as editors or supervisors. If you’re working on a freelance assignment, make sure your plan reaches a responsible person who will carry out your instructions if you fail to make contact as promised.